Sunday, April 25, 2010

British Airways-Crisis Communication

In my Social Media class this past week we discussed crisis communication. My group looked over how British Airways effectively used social media so communicate with their customers.

Since it is very hard and frustrating to get through to anyone on the phone because of the mass amounts of people calling they very graciously added a FAQ specifically for the stranded passengers of the volcano issues. They could find out when and if their flight was going out, how the can rebook, and anything else need to know asap.

British Airways have also been very good in communicating via Twitter to their stranded passengers. BA understands how the publics are trying to get through and they are doing their very best to keep them happy and cheerful throughout this stressful process.

The major thing we noticed was that British Airways was not using the hashtag #ashtag to get through to its customers. The only reason i say this was a mistake was because they weren't reaching a large enough audience as they could have been if they would have used the hashtag.

Overall, we gave British Airways an A-. Very good efforts during this trying time for passengers and airlines alike.

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